
Jean-Luc Godard: I believe in my eyes. I still believe in my eyes. Maybe it will change because obviously TV is working on that, you don’t even believe in your eyes.

Godard: TV is using images in the same way, killing them. They don’t look at them anymore. They’re transmitting thousands of images per second but you don’t even look at them.

Godard: It’s just talk. You even have an expression here which for me is a contradiction per se. A talk show. How talking can be a show is a mystery to me.

Anna Ziatsky: You really think that?
Godard: Yes.
Ziatsky: Because in your films people do talk.
Godard: Oh they talk. But it’s not a show. They are searching. In TV you’re not searching, you deliver a message, whether it is on Vietnam or Budweiser.

Godard: An image is just when you see it for the first time. To make a good picture is to bring images which the audience feels is the first time. They don’t know. They are discovering. When any kind of pictures, even bad pictures, are successful, you have a feeling it’s the first time.

Godard: I think people today want, especially with art pictures or essay pictures, they want too much explanation. My pictures don’t need more explanation than a Steve McQueen picture.

Ziatsky: There seems to be something so serious and solemn about your films, even in this room here as we’ve been talking.
Godard: That’s because you look too much for interpretation and for meanings. A picture is done to be used as a credit card. A cultural credit card.
Ziatsky: What do you mean by that? Something we can exchange?
Godard: Of course. I’ve seen that, what do you think? And so you get acquainted with someone, someone you want to.

: What would you like us to remember, that is a view from your films?
Godard: I wouldn’t put it that way. I’d like you to remember you. I’m glad when they say “With this picture I thought of myself.” I received something and I’m glad to take it with me. I still exist. I’m glad when you say that you still exist after seeing one of my pictures. My postcard was useful then. Because maybe you forgot you exist.